young Tsunade/Hokage-sama..."vtedy a teraz"

Taaaaak...konecne po dlhsej dobe som mal cas na to aby som neco nakreslil...schytala to princezná Tsunade...No kreslené to je tak, ze aby to vyzeralo ako Tsunade, tak sem si obkreslil pár zakladních cár jako čelo, brada, bodku na oci a tak...ale nic velkyho...jen take nacrtky...zase aby sa nepovedalo ze som to cele obkreslil...tak aby to vyzeralo jako Tsunade...Inak by to vyzeralo o hodne horšie...takže keď, tak sa ukameňujem sam ...Myslím si že to nie je vôbec hrozne...
"First time with shadows"..dufam ze sa bude páčiť...BY EliSVK
PS: v reálu je to stejnak najlepšie
nasledujúci obrázok:
Sasuke´s brother...vtedy a "vtedy"

Skóre: 8.3, Hlasů: 23
Tentokrát se ti to hodně povedlo oproti předchozím výtvorům.
Tired animator
mentálně jsem vačyce
můj twitter:
njn....ale to som si z obrzovky na notasu obkreslil par veci...sem si obodkoval obrazek aby to fakt vyzeralo ako Tsunade...jinak by to takhle moc nevyzeralo...
Naruto a Sakura - Deň Detí vo filme
"Tak dobrá povídka si jistě alespoň jeden komentář zaslouží!"
Ne, 2013-07-07 22:29 Autor: T.T
Pár výmyslov z mojej hlavy
It's right if your parents die before you. Never should it be different.
The truth isn't in your words or acts, but in your heart.
Do not let your job makes you sad and unhappy.
Happiness is not in money or in expensive things. You can find it in smile of the right persons.
If you feel like this day is the worst in your life, say yourself that everything will be good. You will see. Everything will be OK.
Evil doesn't exist. Everybody are doing right things, just you dont know the right reasons why they are doing it.
arigato ^_^
poteší...mám v pláne viac podobných obrázkov...dúfam ze sa mi zatra bude chcieť a že to schyta niekto dalsi
Naruto a Sakura - Deň Detí vo filme
"Tak dobrá povídka si jistě alespoň jeden komentář zaslouží!"
Ne, 2013-07-07 22:29 Autor: T.T
Pár výmyslov z mojej hlavy
It's right if your parents die before you. Never should it be different.
The truth isn't in your words or acts, but in your heart.
Do not let your job makes you sad and unhappy.
Happiness is not in money or in expensive things. You can find it in smile of the right persons.
If you feel like this day is the worst in your life, say yourself that everything will be good. You will see. Everything will be OK.
Evil doesn't exist. Everybody are doing right things, just you dont know the right reasons why they are doing it.
Docela hustý
dík...snaha tam kus byla
Naruto a Sakura - Deň Detí vo filme
"Tak dobrá povídka si jistě alespoň jeden komentář zaslouží!"
Ne, 2013-07-07 22:29 Autor: T.T
Pár výmyslov z mojej hlavy
It's right if your parents die before you. Never should it be different.
The truth isn't in your words or acts, but in your heart.
Do not let your job makes you sad and unhappy.
Happiness is not in money or in expensive things. You can find it in smile of the right persons.
If you feel like this day is the worst in your life, say yourself that everything will be good. You will see. Everything will be OK.
Evil doesn't exist. Everybody are doing right things, just you dont know the right reasons why they are doing it.