Nikola Marečková | Vytvořte si svou vlastní vizitku Blood is a liquid, which brings us feelings-thoughts. Then remain in our minds and we can not get rid of them because you will be responsible for them, because it is for us to deal with them. If the nation's nightmares, or dreams, which brings us pleasure and calm. But even those who unwittingly collect and thus hurt not only themselves but also others in their surroundings. However the longer control, will remain in our hearts ...forever.
Art is an explosion! However, we have betrayed their own plans, or active, can be in the hearts of anyone who sound incredibly famous, however this is not even.. Maybe not so wise, but also because of my certain loveliness and not only its spirit, but also character. It is simply a master of me.
"People can not gain anything without previously has not something equivalent value. This is the first law of alchemy-
Law equivalent exchange. Once upon a time we believed that this
is the only truth about the world."
Depressing love between father and daughter, but hated as the others in this world. Read everything and learn it is what is on the existence of this self-important. The book, as he is ... as he loves the people spout, but the reader does not love random in it?
"You just envy that I have a cake with whipped cream and not you."
"If you were not so stupid, maybe you could give chocolate without you fatten up."
"Do not think that they offer ..."
Why I love him? Perhaps it is just as sweet as this delicious cake with whipped cream and a little red strawberry up.
| Česká stránka o seriálu NARUTO a BORUTO. Slouží pouze jako fan web, všechny postavy a příběh vymyslel Kishimoto Masashi, popř. TV-TOKYO, a také jsou jejich majiteli. Obrázky na webu patří jejich autorům. Titulky k anime a překlad mangy patří týmu Není dovoleno si je přivlastňovat (tzn. měnit jméno překladatele). Pokud je chcete použít, vždy uveďte zdroj. Články patří tomu, kdo je vložil, není-li uvedeno jinak. Prosíme, nekraďte tyto články do svých blogů. je web bez komerčních reklam, o žádné nestojíme.
rta rucka sa mi nezda......ale inac je to uplne super a aj tie farby
~Even so, I will search for that one true, love~
~Fandím~Melonade/Yumi/hAnko~My FF~ Novej stajl Sasukeho Uchihy...
~Deidarovo dětství Requiem za sen
~Jsem hrdá yaoistka!~
Nikola Marečková | Vytvořte si svou vlastní vizitku
Art is an explosion! However, we have betrayed their own plans, or active, can be in the hearts of anyone who sound incredibly famous, however this is not even.. Maybe not so wise, but also because of my certain loveliness and not only its spirit, but also character. It is simply a master of me.
"People can not gain anything without previously has not something equivalent value. This is the first law of alchemy-
Law equivalent exchange. Once upon a time we believed that this
is the only truth about the world."
Depressing love between father and daughter, but hated as the others in this world. Read everything and learn it is what is on the existence of this self-important. The book, as he is ... as he loves the people spout, but the reader does not love random in it?
"You just envy that I have a cake with whipped cream and not you."
"If you were not so stupid, maybe you could give chocolate without you fatten up."
"Do not think that they offer ..."
Why I love him? Perhaps it is just as sweet as this delicious cake with whipped cream and a little red strawberry up.
Tatsu si pořídila dráčka...klikni...nenech ho umřít.
Fakt skvele farby
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