It's right if your parents die before you. Never should it be different.
The truth isn't in your words or acts, but in your heart.
Do not let your job makes you sad and unhappy.
Happiness is not in money or in expensive things. You can find it in smile of the right persons.
If you feel like this day is the worst in your life, say yourself that everything will be good. You will see. Everything will be OK.
Evil doesn't exist. Everybody are doing right things, just you dont know the right reasons why they are doing it.
Vložil EliSVK, Pá, 2013-01-18 22:39 | Ninja už: 4505 dní, Příspěvků: 204 | Autor je: Recepční v lázních
neee sak pohoda...ja rad vrtnem do takychto veci...takato chyba sa este u mna da prezit...ale tvl...ked vidim slova ako kamosou...ucitelou...buchov...a pod...tak ma normalne zo stolicky trha sa neda...
It's right if your parents die before you. Never should it be different.
The truth isn't in your words or acts, but in your heart.
Do not let your job makes you sad and unhappy.
Happiness is not in money or in expensive things. You can find it in smile of the right persons.
If you feel like this day is the worst in your life, say yourself that everything will be good. You will see. Everything will be OK.
Evil doesn't exist. Everybody are doing right things, just you dont know the right reasons why they are doing it.
It's right if your parents die before you. Never should it be different.
The truth isn't in your words or acts, but in your heart.
Do not let your job makes you sad and unhappy.
Happiness is not in money or in expensive things. You can find it in smile of the right persons.
If you feel like this day is the worst in your life, say yourself that everything will be good. You will see. Everything will be OK.
Evil doesn't exist. Everybody are doing right things, just you dont know the right reasons why they are doing it.
It's right if your parents die before you. Never should it be different.
The truth isn't in your words or acts, but in your heart.
Do not let your job makes you sad and unhappy.
Happiness is not in money or in expensive things. You can find it in smile of the right persons.
If you feel like this day is the worst in your life, say yourself that everything will be good. You will see. Everything will be OK.
Evil doesn't exist. Everybody are doing right things, just you dont know the right reasons why they are doing it.
Vložil EliSVK, St, 2013-01-09 14:29 | Ninja už: 4505 dní, Příspěvků: 204 | Autor je: Recepční v lázních
my ti to na obrazku vidime v ociach :DD
ale dakujem...a ked sa ti bude chciet...tak farebne sa mi páci ovela viac ...ale aj ciernobiele je pekne...jake nakreslis...take bude...a bude to dobre.
It's right if your parents die before you. Never should it be different.
The truth isn't in your words or acts, but in your heart.
Do not let your job makes you sad and unhappy.
Happiness is not in money or in expensive things. You can find it in smile of the right persons.
If you feel like this day is the worst in your life, say yourself that everything will be good. You will see. Everything will be OK.
Evil doesn't exist. Everybody are doing right things, just you dont know the right reasons why they are doing it.
Vložil EliSVK, Čt, 2013-01-10 14:17 | Ninja už: 4505 dní, Příspěvků: 204 | Autor je: Recepční v lázních je uplne v pohode...radsej sa uc lebo sa ptm budes vyhovarat na mna ze si nepresla lebo si musela mne daco kreslit oo v pohode...aj to chapem...a uz sa na to velmi tesim
It's right if your parents die before you. Never should it be different.
The truth isn't in your words or acts, but in your heart.
Do not let your job makes you sad and unhappy.
Happiness is not in money or in expensive things. You can find it in smile of the right persons.
If you feel like this day is the worst in your life, say yourself that everything will be good. You will see. Everything will be OK.
Evil doesn't exist. Everybody are doing right things, just you dont know the right reasons why they are doing it.
It's right if your parents die before you. Never should it be different.
The truth isn't in your words or acts, but in your heart.
Do not let your job makes you sad and unhappy.
Happiness is not in money or in expensive things. You can find it in smile of the right persons.
If you feel like this day is the worst in your life, say yourself that everything will be good. You will see. Everything will be OK.
Evil doesn't exist. Everybody are doing right things, just you dont know the right reasons why they are doing it.
It's right if your parents die before you. Never should it be different.
The truth isn't in your words or acts, but in your heart.
Do not let your job makes you sad and unhappy.
Happiness is not in money or in expensive things. You can find it in smile of the right persons.
If you feel like this day is the worst in your life, say yourself that everything will be good. You will see. Everything will be OK.
Evil doesn't exist. Everybody are doing right things, just you dont know the right reasons why they are doing it.
| Česká stránka o seriálu NARUTO a BORUTO. Slouží pouze jako fan web, všechny postavy a příběh vymyslel Kishimoto Masashi, popř. TV-TOKYO, a také jsou jejich majiteli. Obrázky na webu patří jejich autorům. Titulky k anime a překlad mangy patří týmu Není dovoleno si je přivlastňovat (tzn. měnit jméno překladatele). Pokud je chcete použít, vždy uveďte zdroj. Články patří tomu, kdo je vložil, není-li uvedeno jinak. Prosíme, nekraďte tyto články do svých blogů. je web bez komerčních reklam, o žádné nestojíme.
Moc hezké!!

Čím je to kreslené? Fixy? Pero?
Ještě je pár věcí, které by se daly zlepšit, ale líbí se mi to!
Nezáleží na tom, aby ses vyrovnal tomu nebo onomu člověku, ale jde o to aby ses jednou stal samým sebou.
niečo medzi perom a fixou...
alebo ako sa to volá..
a dakujem..
Nerozmýšľaj nad tým, či sa ti niečo chce alebo nechce urobiť...
Proste to urob
Aha, takže perofix?

Nezáleží na tom, aby ses vyrovnal tomu nebo onomu člověku, ale jde o to aby ses jednou stal samým sebou.
guľičkové pero..
Nerozmýšľaj nad tým, či sa ti niečo chce alebo nechce urobiť...
Proste to urob
slovak a das pred mäkke i ľ...tvl :Da keby nahodou...tak je to guľôčkové pero
..promin..ja tak rad vrtam 
Naruto a Sakura - Deň Detí vo filme
"Tak dobrá povídka si jistě alespoň jeden komentář zaslouží!"
Ne, 2013-07-07 22:29 Autor: T.T
Pár výmyslov z mojej hlavy
It's right if your parents die before you. Never should it be different.
The truth isn't in your words or acts, but in your heart.
Do not let your job makes you sad and unhappy.
Happiness is not in money or in expensive things. You can find it in smile of the right persons.
If you feel like this day is the worst in your life, say yourself that everything will be good. You will see. Everything will be OK.
Evil doesn't exist. Everybody are doing right things, just you dont know the right reasons why they are doing it.
však ja nehovorím že mi gramatika ide nejak moc..
skôr naopak.
Nerozmýšľaj nad tým, či sa ti niečo chce alebo nechce urobiť...
Proste to urob
neee sak pohoda...ja rad vrtnem do takychto veci...takato chyba sa este u mna da prezit...ale tvl...ked vidim slova ako kamosou...ucitelou...buchov...a pod...tak ma normalne zo stolicky trha sa neda...
Naruto a Sakura - Deň Detí vo filme
"Tak dobrá povídka si jistě alespoň jeden komentář zaslouží!"
Ne, 2013-07-07 22:29 Autor: T.T
Pár výmyslov z mojej hlavy
It's right if your parents die before you. Never should it be different.
The truth isn't in your words or acts, but in your heart.
Do not let your job makes you sad and unhappy.
Happiness is not in money or in expensive things. You can find it in smile of the right persons.
If you feel like this day is the worst in your life, say yourself that everything will be good. You will see. Everything will be OK.
Evil doesn't exist. Everybody are doing right things, just you dont know the right reasons why they are doing it.
Mohlo by to byť skvelé , ale myslím, že poloha ruky s rasenganom ti nevyšla
Takto to je "len" dobré ^.^
ja viem..
ale "len kvoli ruke" to zahadzovať nebudem..

Nerozmýšľaj nad tým, či sa ti niečo chce alebo nechce urobiť...
Proste to urob
jooo..urcite je...sasoriho sa nikomu nechce kreslit?
Naruto a Sakura - Deň Detí vo filme
"Tak dobrá povídka si jistě alespoň jeden komentář zaslouží!"
Ne, 2013-07-07 22:29 Autor: T.T
Pár výmyslov z mojej hlavy
It's right if your parents die before you. Never should it be different.
The truth isn't in your words or acts, but in your heart.
Do not let your job makes you sad and unhappy.
Happiness is not in money or in expensive things. You can find it in smile of the right persons.
If you feel like this day is the worst in your life, say yourself that everything will be good. You will see. Everything will be OK.
Evil doesn't exist. Everybody are doing right things, just you dont know the right reasons why they are doing it.
keď mi dáš dobrý dôvod...
Nerozmýšľaj nad tým, či sa ti niečo chce alebo nechce urobiť...
Proste to urob
challenge accepted
->umelec nakresli umelca ? :DD
->ma fajn vlasy...
hmmm...tvl..tohle je fakt tezky
->jen tak pro zabavu...
snad jeden trafim
->budem to mat na ploche pc...tvoj obrazok..
Naruto a Sakura - Deň Detí vo filme
"Tak dobrá povídka si jistě alespoň jeden komentář zaslouží!"
Ne, 2013-07-07 22:29 Autor: T.T
Pár výmyslov z mojej hlavy
It's right if your parents die before you. Never should it be different.
The truth isn't in your words or acts, but in your heart.
Do not let your job makes you sad and unhappy.
Happiness is not in money or in expensive things. You can find it in smile of the right persons.
If you feel like this day is the worst in your life, say yourself that everything will be good. You will see. Everything will be OK.
Evil doesn't exist. Everybody are doing right things, just you dont know the right reasons why they are doing it.
ja ti toho sasoriho nakreslím..
tak vieš čo?..
Nerozmýšľaj nad tým, či sa ti niečo chce alebo nechce urobiť...
Proste to urob
přiznej se ! přesvědčil tě poslední argument

Život je přilš krátký na to, aby se jen přežíval. Proto by se měl žít naplno.
Ee...skôr ten prvý.

Nerozmýšľaj nad tým, či sa ti niečo chce alebo nechce urobiť...
Proste to urob
my ti to na obrazku vidime v ociach :DD
ale dakujem...a ked sa ti bude chciet...tak farebne sa mi páci ovela viac
...ale aj ciernobiele je pekne...jake nakreslis...take bude...a bude to dobre. 
Naruto a Sakura - Deň Detí vo filme
"Tak dobrá povídka si jistě alespoň jeden komentář zaslouží!"
Ne, 2013-07-07 22:29 Autor: T.T
Pár výmyslov z mojej hlavy
It's right if your parents die before you. Never should it be different.
The truth isn't in your words or acts, but in your heart.
Do not let your job makes you sad and unhappy.
Happiness is not in money or in expensive things. You can find it in smile of the right persons.
If you feel like this day is the worst in your life, say yourself that everything will be good. You will see. Everything will be OK.
Evil doesn't exist. Everybody are doing right things, just you dont know the right reasons why they are doing it.
ale kedže mám školy vyše hlavy tak to nebude tak skoro..
ako mi vidá čas..
Nerozmýšľaj nad tým, či sa ti niečo chce alebo nechce urobiť...
Proste to urob je uplne v pohode...radsej sa uc lebo sa ptm budes vyhovarat na mna ze si nepresla lebo si musela mne daco kreslit oo v pohode...aj to chapem...a uz sa na to velmi tesim
Naruto a Sakura - Deň Detí vo filme
"Tak dobrá povídka si jistě alespoň jeden komentář zaslouží!"
Ne, 2013-07-07 22:29 Autor: T.T
Pár výmyslov z mojej hlavy
It's right if your parents die before you. Never should it be different.
The truth isn't in your words or acts, but in your heart.
Do not let your job makes you sad and unhappy.
Happiness is not in money or in expensive things. You can find it in smile of the right persons.
If you feel like this day is the worst in your life, say yourself that everything will be good. You will see. Everything will be OK.
Evil doesn't exist. Everybody are doing right things, just you dont know the right reasons why they are doing it.
no co?...jak si na tom ? :DD
Naruto a Sakura - Deň Detí vo filme
"Tak dobrá povídka si jistě alespoň jeden komentář zaslouží!"
Ne, 2013-07-07 22:29 Autor: T.T
Pár výmyslov z mojej hlavy
It's right if your parents die before you. Never should it be different.
The truth isn't in your words or acts, but in your heart.
Do not let your job makes you sad and unhappy.
Happiness is not in money or in expensive things. You can find it in smile of the right persons.
If you feel like this day is the worst in your life, say yourself that everything will be good. You will see. Everything will be OK.
Evil doesn't exist. Everybody are doing right things, just you dont know the right reasons why they are doing it.
zajtra to už bude dúfam...
možno už aj dneska..
Nerozmýšľaj nad tým, či sa ti niečo chce alebo nechce urobiť...
Proste to urob
oooo...tak to si ma teraz nastartovala
...ja sa na to tesim jak male dite s cumlikem v ustech
...tak ja te necham pracovat nech se to vydari...
Naruto a Sakura - Deň Detí vo filme
"Tak dobrá povídka si jistě alespoň jeden komentář zaslouží!"
Ne, 2013-07-07 22:29 Autor: T.T
Pár výmyslov z mojej hlavy
It's right if your parents die before you. Never should it be different.
The truth isn't in your words or acts, but in your heart.
Do not let your job makes you sad and unhappy.
Happiness is not in money or in expensive things. You can find it in smile of the right persons.
If you feel like this day is the worst in your life, say yourself that everything will be good. You will see. Everything will be OK.
Evil doesn't exist. Everybody are doing right things, just you dont know the right reasons why they are doing it.
Celé je to úžasné,ale ten obličej je příšerný :DD
Fairy tail končí béhéhé
Je to perfektné .. Máš odomňa 10* + rozlúštiť ten spodok (Daniela Bartková) - to je umenie
Hlavne, že sme zdravý ..