Mno takže preložila som vám test Tvoj Naruto život. Môžete si ho spraviť na tomto odkaze, ale tam je v Eng
Kto bude potrebovať preložiť výsledky tak mi napíšte a ja vám to preložím ..aj tak nemám čo robiť ...alebo mi môžete napísať odpovede a ja vám ten test spravím a napíšem aj vyhodnotenie ....Ku otázkam kde som napísala (Môžete označiť viac ako jedno) tak si môžete vybrať viac ako jednu odpoveď a tam kde som to nenapísala tak tam si môžete vybrať len jednu. Kto to nebude dodržiavať tak tomu ten test nespravím.
1. Fajn, nezabite ma za túto otázku, pretože mám čierny pás v skutočnom -živote a viem ako bojovať . Aká je tvoja obľúbená farba? (Môžeš označiť viac ako jedno)
-všetky farby dúhy
-žiadna z týchto
2. Aké by si chcela mať vlasy a oči, keby si žila v Naruto svete?
-žiadny z týchto
4. Opíš sa.
-Temná, záhadná, zlá
-pomstychtivá, túžiaca po sile, tichá
-hlučná, abnoxious (sorry neviem preložiť *červenám sa*) hrubá/sprostá
-nespoločenská, prefíkaná, temná, záhadná, vražedná
-lenivá, bezstarostná, rada relaxuješ
-silná, nápomocná, nikoho nenecháš, aby ti stál v ceste
-zábavná, vážna, hravá, chápavá
-tichá, miluješ zabíjanie, každého nenávidíš
-hravá, miluješ zábavu
5. Aká by mala byť povaha vašeho priateľa?
-Je silný, temný a záhadný. Každý je sa bojí priblížiť sa k nemu, pretože vedia, že ich môže zabiť.
-Vie byť extrémne hravý. Je priateľský, verný, obident (neviem preložiť *červenám sa*) a má úžasnú povahu spolu s tým všetkým.
-Je húževnatý a bude bojovať preto, v čo verí. Ale dáva prednosť mne a urobí to, o čo ho požiadam.
-Je posadnutý jeho knihou, ale vždy, keď spravím psie oči (pekne sa naňho pozriem) tak mi venuje pozornosť. Vždy ma chráni.
-Je temný a nerád sa rozpráva s ostatnými ľuďmi, ale mne povie všetko. Veríme si.
-Stále sa snaží získať silu, ale keď ma vidí sedieť samú, tak príde ku mne a rozprávame sa, niekedy ma zoberie von.
-Je veľmi silný a zlý. Je prefíkaný a tvorivý. Niečo v jeho úsmeve ma núti ísť s ním.
-Je veľmi lenivý. Ale vieme sa aj zabaviť. Väčšinou spolu pozorujeme oblohu.
-Je veľmi hyper a vyzve kohokoľvek na súboj. Je otravný, ale zlatý.
6. RP!! (čo by ste spravili v danej situácii) Kráčaš sama cez mesto...
-Kričať, keď k tebe dakto pribehne od zadu. Zaútočiť na červené oči a kričať ,,Si mŕtvy“.
-Usmiať sa, skrížiť ruky na hrudi a povedať ,,Ideš neskoro...Čo ťa tak zdržalo?“.
-Dať sa do bojovej pozície, nemôžeš prehrať s človekom s divnými očami.
-Dať si ruky za hlavu, pozrieť sa lenivo na oči a zamumlať ,,Problematické...“.
-Nebezpečne zakričať a začať bojovať.
-Usmiať sa, pomaly si olizovať pery, tvoje oči slabo svietia v tme.
-Rýchlo nahromadiť Chakru a zazerať na toho, kto sa na teba pozerá.
-Ukázať na oči a povedať ,,Fajn, ktokoľvek si...ak neodídeš nakopem ti zadok!“
7. RP! Po tréningu ticho ješ s Narutom ramen a Naruto ťa pobozká....
-Očervenieš, v šoku otvoríš oči. Po niekoľkých sekundách zavrieš oči a pobozkáš ho späť.
-Skôr ako si mala čas na to reagovať si cítila ako sa mení na Kyuubiho bez ohľadu na teba. Pozrela si hore a pozerala si sa do dôverne známych červených očí.
-Odstrčíš ho a tresneš, zazeráš naňho a povieš so škrípajúcimi zubami ,,Ty blázon...Moje srdce patrí niekomu inému“.
-Odstrčiš ho a začneš kričať ,,NARUTO!! JA SOM OVEĽA STARŠIA AKO TY!!
-Jemne ho odstrčíš, zakrútiš hlavou a povieš ,,Prepáč Naruto, ale ja ťa nemilujem...Ja milujem Sasukeho.“
-Odtiahneš sa od neho, zamumleš niečo o tom, že je to problematické a odídeš.
Začuješ syčanie, vytiahneš kunai a bodneš Naruta do brucha.
-Odtiahneš sa od neho, zakrútiš hlavou a zašepkáš ,,Osud ma vedie k niekomu inému, nie k tebe.“
-začuješ vrčanie. Odídeš, pozrieš sa na Naruta a vidíš ako Akamaru hryzie jeho nohavice a snaží sa ho odtiahnuť.
8. Aká je tvoja hodnosť?
-Trieda S
-stratený ninja/ kriminálnik triedy S
-nemáš hodnosť
9. Čo používaš v boji? (Môžeš označiť viac ako jedno)
-hocijaké zbrane
-Kuchiyose no jutsu (Privolávacia technika)
10. Kto chceš aby bol tvoj priateľ? (Môžeš označiť viac ako jedno)
Mno tak tá povaha kúsok nevišla lebo ja niesom žiadny anti-social ale Sasuke môže byť *in love* Mno a ete na ten vek...ja mam 14
Mno a ete majte kúsok strpenia s tým prekladom prosííím ...lebo ja tiež niesom nejaký expert
Pre tých, ktorým vyšiel Naruto:
Pre tých, ktorým vyšiel Itachi:
Pre tých, ktorým vyšiel Kakashi:
Pre tých, ktorým vyšiel Gaara:
Pre tých, ktorým vyšiel Neji:
Pre tých, ktorým vyšiel Shikamaru:
Pre tých, ktorým vyšiel Kiba:
Pre tých, ktorým vyšiel Orochimaru:
Fajn, všetky vyhodnotenia sú preložené ....teda aspoň myslým Keď vám vijde Orochimaru tak píšte do komntov prosím, lebo zatiaľ som tu žiadneho Orochimara nevidela
Pokúšam sa nájsť aj niečo pre chlapcov, takže držte palce!!
Vložil mischaaa-chan, Pá, 2008-08-22 18:48 | Ninja už: 6191 dní, Příspěvků: 323 | Autor je: Prostý občan
uopsie.. jo detailik..xD xDDDDD to jsem ae magor..D no já to beru stejně.. D: slovenština nebo čeština..xD to je skoro stejný.,.xDDDDD heh..xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Vložil Laterie, Pá, 2008-08-22 18:03 | Ninja už: 6123 dní, Příspěvků: 681 | Autor je: Prostý občan
na to, že mi vyšiel ctihodný Sasuke Uchiha, sa tamtá vec, hore uvedená čo ma má akože popisovať, sa to teda na mňa nehodí. ja som skôr taký Naruťák, tak nechápem ako mi mohol dvakrát za sebou vyjsť Sasuke. Asi to je tým, že ho mám proste kdesi v krvi, či čo
Vložil Tsukuyomi, Pá, 2008-08-22 18:09 | Ninja už: 6200 dní, Příspěvků: 435 | Autor je: Prostý občan
Mne o tom dačo hovor ...aj mne vysiel Sasuke a ta povaha na mna nesedi....Ja niesom žiadny anti-social ...ja som skor taka povaha aka vysla pri Kakashim
Vložil Tsukuyomi, Pá, 2008-08-22 17:40 | Ninja už: 6200 dní, Příspěvků: 435 | Autor je: Prostý občan
dakujeem na to ze to neni tak celkommoja myslienka ...nasla som tu jeden test Kto si z Akatsuki a tak ma to inspirovalo k tomuto takze za toto dakujte tomu kto prelozil test z Akatsuki lebo keby nebolo toho cloveka tak tu toto neni len skoda ze nick toho cloveka neviem
Vložil Tsukuyomi, Pá, 2008-08-22 17:00 | Ninja už: 6200 dní, Příspěvků: 435 | Autor je: Prostý občan
Dobre priznávam toto je trochu od veci ...mno ale iba trochu ... Pýtam sa hlavne tých, ktorí kukajú Lost (Nezvestní alebo Straceni, volajte to ako chcete) Nepripomína vám Neji Locka? To ako verí v osud atd
Vložil Mio_Chiaki, Pá, 2008-08-22 14:15 | Ninja už: 6036 dní, Příspěvků: 143 | Autor je: Prostý občan
Preložila by si prosím aj toto?
Boyfriend: Neji
Name: I'm letting you choose your name =)
Age: 13
Personality: destiny obsessed, loving, tough
Level: Genin
Likes: training with Neji, meditating, practicing
Dislikes: TenTen for hating you, people who don't believe in destiny
About you: You've always believed in fate and destiny. I mean, why else would things happen the way they do? it's the only explaination for what happens. So whenever something good or bad happens, you automatically believe it was destined to happen.
Naturally, with how you believe in destiny, you and Neji would hit it off great. You both are very strong in the ring, and you both have similar views on life, which makes you click really well.
Naruto: She can be really serious sometimes...kinda weird
Sasuke: She's a good opponent...I would like to fight her again...*smirk*
Sakura: She's really tough
Shino: I like her...she likes my bugs
Shikamaru: She needs to lay back more, she's too serious...*sigh* troublesome
Hinata: She's really serious, but she c-can have a fun side...
Kiba: She can be pretty cool
Akamaru: bark
Chouji: I don't know *munch* her very well *munch*
Ino: She's ok, but I don't know why she's with Neji
Neji: She's everything I look for in a woman...she's the one I was destined to be with...I just know it
TenTen: She stole Neji from me!
Lee: She's fully of energy, but she's serious
Gaara: She's pretty powerful...I want to kill her
Temari: I don't know her well
Konkuro: Same as Temari
Kakashi: She's a little too serious. Being serious is good, but when you're a kid you should still have fun.
Gui: She needs to relax more and be more youthful!
Jiriya: I don't know her
Tsunade: She has potential, no doubt about that
Asuma: At least she's more serious then Naruto
No one in the Akatsuki or any other villian bother to notice you
Vložil Mio_Chiaki, Pá, 2008-08-22 13:31 | Ninja už: 6036 dní, Příspěvků: 143 | Autor je: Prostý občan
Preložila by si mi to?
Boyfriend: Gaara
Name: I'm letting you choose your name =)
Age: 13
Personality: Quiet, evil-looking, ruthless
BFFs: Temari, Konkuro
Level: Genin
Likes: Staying away from people, training
Dislikes: Being an outcast from your clan is the biggest one of all
About you: Not much is known about your past because you won't tell it to others. You've told a few things to Gaara that you wouldn't tell other people, but other then that, you're pretty much a mystery.
Gaara has liked you since he started really talking to you. You have a personality just like his, and that's something he doesn't see very often. He's protective of you, and doesn't like you to be far from him. You guys aren't going out, but you're pretty close.
Naruto: She's really quiet! I wish she would lighten up.
Sasuke: Normally I would have some interest in her...but she won't talk about I ignore her.
Sakura: She's really quiet...I wonder why
Shino: I don't know her
Shikamaru: Very troublesome...quiet too
Hinata: I-I don't know her.
Kiba: She doesn't even talk! To basically anyone except Gaara, Temar, and Konkuro!
Akamaru: *just yawns*
Chouji: *munch* she's *munch* really quiet
Ino: Psh, she's just a loser who won't even talk.
Neji: I wish I knew what happened to her in the past...then I could figure out where destiny went wrong for her.
TenTen: I have no interest in her.
Lee: She needs to be more youthful!
Gaara: ...she's caught my interest...i actually enjoy being in her company...and I don't want to kill her...
Temari: She might be able to get Gaara to lighten up.
Konkuro: She's really's almost eerie
Kakashi: When I see her battle, she cleatly has a lot of strength, but she's almost emotionless.
Gui: She needs to be more youthful!
Jiriya: She's an attractive young lady
Tsunade: It's a shame to see how quiet and anti-social she is from the rest.
Asuma: No comment
Leader: Not interested
Itachi: *ignores you*
Kisame: I've met her a couple of times...kinda weird
Diedra: She's really quiet, yeah...
Zetzu: I wouldn't want to eat her...she wouldn't taste good.
Tobi: Tobi doesn't know her
Hidan: I don't know her
Sasori: I don't think I'd even want her as a puppet...
Kakuzu: *shrugs*
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Other Villians*~*~*~*
Orochimaru: I don't waste my time on someone who doesn't show any emotions...
Kabuto: No comment...
Vložil aikomi, Pá, 2008-08-22 13:16 | Ninja už: 6240 dní, Příspěvků: 40 | Autor je: Prostý občan
Boyfriend: Gaara
Name: I'm letting you choose your name =)
Age: 13
Personality: Quiet, evil-looking, ruthless
BFFs: Temari, Konkuro
Level: Genin
Likes: Staying away from people, training
Dislikes: Being an outcast from your clan is the biggest one of all
About you: Not much is known about your past because you won't tell it to others. You've told a few things to Gaara that you wouldn't tell other people, but other then that, you're pretty much a mystery.
Gaara has liked you since he started really talking to you. You have a personality just like his, and that's something he doesn't see very often. He's protective of you, and doesn't like you to be far from him. You guys aren't going out, but you're pretty close.
Naruto: She's really quiet! I wish she would lighten up.
Sasuke: Normally I would have some interest in her...but she won't talk about I ignore her.
Sakura: She's really quiet...I wonder why
Shino: I don't know her
Shikamaru: Very troublesome...quiet too
Hinata: I-I don't know her.
Kiba: She doesn't even talk! To basically anyone except Gaara, Temar, and Konkuro!
Akamaru: *just yawns*
Chouji: *munch* she's *munch* really quiet
Ino: Psh, she's just a loser who won't even talk.
Neji: I wish I knew what happened to her in the past...then I could figure out where destiny went wrong for her.
TenTen: I have no interest in her.
Lee: She needs to be more youthful!
Gaara: ...she's caught my interest...i actually enjoy being in her company...and I don't want to kill her...
Temari: She might be able to get Gaara to lighten up.
Konkuro: She's really's almost eerie
Kakashi: When I see her battle, she cleatly has a lot of strength, but she's almost emotionless.
Gui: She needs to be more youthful!
Jiriya: She's an attractive young lady
Tsunade: It's a shame to see how quiet and anti-social she is from the rest.
Asuma: No comment
Leader: Not interested
Itachi: *ignores you*
Kisame: I've met her a couple of times...kinda weird
Diedra: She's really quiet, yeah...
Zetzu: I wouldn't want to eat her...she wouldn't taste good.
Tobi: Tobi doesn't know her
Hidan: I don't know her
Sasori: I don't think I'd even want her as a puppet...
Kakuzu: *shrugs*
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Other Villians*~*~*~*
Orochimaru: I don't waste my time on someone who doesn't show any emotions...
Kabuto: No comment...
Vložil Kikulines (bez ověření), Pá, 2008-08-22 12:56 | Ninja už: 20121 dní, Příspěvků: 9605 | Autor je: Prostý občan
Tak keď som ešte videla, že tu neni ani jeden Shiki (myslím), tak som si dala jeho, chcem vedieť niečo o tom
Boyfriend: Shikamaru
Name: I'm letting you choose your name =)
Age: 13
Personality: lazy, fun, relaxed
BFFs: Kiba, Naruto
Level: Genin
Likes: watching clouds, eating, sleeping, laying in the grass
Dislikes: doing work, having to fight evil every 5 seconds
About you: You've always been a care-free kid your whole life. You've never really liked working, and for some reason you've always had this fascination with clouds. You like to just lay in the grass, eat, and well...sleep, lol
Shikamaru and you clearly have much in common. You both met in the acadamey, and you always seemed to have a lot in common. While you two were watching clouds, he suddenly asks if you if you would like to go out...and of course you said yes =P
Naruto: She's awsome! We have a lot of fun together (when she's not being lazy or hanging with Shikamaru)
Sasuke: I don't even bother paying attention to her...
Sakura: She's pretty cool...kinda lazy though
Shino: She seems to like bugs so she's ok
Shikamaru: She's not even close to troublesome...she's the exact opposite. She's amazing...and we love to watch the clouds
Hinata: she's really n-nice to me
Kiba: She's pretty cool, she likes animals, so she's good with me!
Akamaru: bark bark *agrees with kiba*
Chouji: She's cool *munch* *munch*
Ino: She's really lazy...but she can be pretty funny
Neji: I wish she would get more serious
TenTen: She's ok *shrugs*
Lee: She's very youthful! But she should train more
Gaara: I don't know her...I bet I wouldn't like her though...
Temari: I've met her a couple of times...kinda lazy.
Konkuro: she's cute
Kakashi: She should start getting serious about her training, or she won't go anywhere.
Gui: She's very YOUTHFUL!
Jiriya: I don't know her
Tsunade: She can show some talent if she would just get off her ass!
Asuma: She's too lazy
No one in the Akatsuki or any other villian bother to notice you
| Česká stránka o seriálu NARUTO a BORUTO. Slouží pouze jako fan web, všechny postavy a příběh vymyslel Kishimoto Masashi, popř. TV-TOKYO, a také jsou jejich majiteli. Obrázky na webu patří jejich autorům. Titulky k anime a překlad mangy patří týmu Není dovoleno si je přivlastňovat (tzn. měnit jméno překladatele). Pokud je chcete použít, vždy uveďte zdroj. Články patří tomu, kdo je vložil, není-li uvedeno jinak. Prosíme, nekraďte tyto články do svých blogů. je web bez komerčních reklam, o žádné nestojíme.
To je skvělý! Vyšel mi Itachi..D nečekaně..xDDD Konečně něco v češtině.. nemám co dodat..
detail - je to v slovencine
Klikni! :-*
Majkiii, budes mi chybat :-*
Klikus Pekne prosim Mozte napisat aj koment Moj najnovsí FA: Sasuke Napísala som FF : Návrat...
Tvoj Naruto život-test len pre dievčatá a gayov ^-^
FC Akasuna ^-^
uopsie.. jo detailik..xD xDDDDD to jsem ae magor..D no já to beru stejně.. D: slovenština nebo čeština..xD to je skoro stejný.,.xDDDDD heh..xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Mno tak v tom mas pravdu...niekedy mi je nieco prirodzenejsie povedat v cestine ako v slovencine
Klikni! :-*
Majkiii, budes mi chybat :-*
Klikus Pekne prosim Mozte napisat aj koment Moj najnovsí FA: Sasuke Napísala som FF : Návrat...
Tvoj Naruto život-test len pre dievčatá a gayov ^-^
FC Akasuna ^-^
na to, že mi vyšiel ctihodný Sasuke Uchiha, sa tamtá vec, hore uvedená čo ma má akože popisovať, sa to teda na mňa nehodí. ja som skôr taký Naruťák, tak nechápem ako mi mohol dvakrát za sebou vyjsť Sasuke. Asi to je tým, že ho mám proste kdesi v krvi, či čo
Mne o tom dačo hovor ...aj mne vysiel Sasuke a ta povaha na mna nesedi....Ja niesom žiadny anti-social ...ja som skor taka povaha aka vysla pri Kakashim
Klikni! :-*
Majkiii, budes mi chybat :-*
Klikus Pekne prosim Mozte napisat aj koment Moj najnovsí FA: Sasuke Napísala som FF : Návrat...
Tvoj Naruto život-test len pre dievčatá a gayov ^-^
FC Akasuna ^-^
Mě vyšel Gaara! Huráááá! Já jsem náááprosto sťastnáááá ( A bláznivá!)
Muhehehehe! Jsem vrahoun! Zlý vrahoun! No to jsem dopadla!
Veď vravím, takéto niečo tu vážne chýbalo!!! skvelá myšlienka!
Watch out for this crazy shinobi!!!
Sooo sooo... Saiki no saika-tachi nante ii nee xD
dakujeem na to ze to neni tak celkommoja myslienka ...nasla som tu jeden test Kto si z Akatsuki a tak ma to inspirovalo k tomuto takze za toto dakujte tomu kto prelozil test z Akatsuki lebo keby nebolo toho cloveka tak tu toto neni len skoda ze nick toho cloveka neviem
Klikni! :-*
Majkiii, budes mi chybat :-*
Klikus Pekne prosim Mozte napisat aj koment Moj najnovsí FA: Sasuke Napísala som FF : Návrat...
Tvoj Naruto život-test len pre dievčatá a gayov ^-^
FC Akasuna ^-^
jezis ten test je pro holky a ja jsem kluk
z toho si nič nerob určite niesi prvý ani posledný
Klikni! :-*
Majkiii, budes mi chybat :-*
Klikus Pekne prosim Mozte napisat aj koment Moj najnovsí FA: Sasuke Napísala som FF : Návrat...
Tvoj Naruto život-test len pre dievčatá a gayov ^-^
FC Akasuna ^-^
presne tak, chybičky sa stávajú aj v reálnom svete
Watch out for this crazy shinobi!!!
Sooo sooo... Saiki no saika-tachi nante ii nee xD
Gaara je fakt super
jsem 7. členem 11. konožské strážní divize
nejnovější FA:
Dobre priznávam toto je trochu od veci ...mno ale iba trochu ... Pýtam sa hlavne tých, ktorí kukajú Lost (Nezvestní alebo Straceni, volajte to ako chcete) Nepripomína vám Neji Locka? To ako verí v osud atd
Klikni! :-*
Majkiii, budes mi chybat :-*
Klikus Pekne prosim Mozte napisat aj koment Moj najnovsí FA: Sasuke Napísala som FF : Návrat...
Tvoj Naruto život-test len pre dievčatá a gayov ^-^
FC Akasuna ^-^
Lost pozerám...a máš pravdu dosť mi ho pripomína
ja mam shikamara...... a prelozila som si to sama, v angline som celkom dobra xD
Preložila by si prosím aj toto?
Boyfriend: Neji
Name: I'm letting you choose your name =)
Age: 13
Personality: destiny obsessed, loving, tough
Level: Genin
Likes: training with Neji, meditating, practicing
Dislikes: TenTen for hating you, people who don't believe in destiny
About you: You've always believed in fate and destiny. I mean, why else would things happen the way they do? it's the only explaination for what happens. So whenever something good or bad happens, you automatically believe it was destined to happen.
Naturally, with how you believe in destiny, you and Neji would hit it off great. You both are very strong in the ring, and you both have similar views on life, which makes you click really well.
Naruto: She can be really serious sometimes...kinda weird
Sasuke: She's a good opponent...I would like to fight her again...*smirk*
Sakura: She's really tough
Shino: I like her...she likes my bugs
Shikamaru: She needs to lay back more, she's too serious...*sigh* troublesome
Hinata: She's really serious, but she c-can have a fun side...
Kiba: She can be pretty cool
Akamaru: bark
Chouji: I don't know *munch* her very well *munch*
Ino: She's ok, but I don't know why she's with Neji
Neji: She's everything I look for in a woman...she's the one I was destined to be with...I just know it
TenTen: She stole Neji from me!
Lee: She's fully of energy, but she's serious
Gaara: She's pretty powerful...I want to kill her
Temari: I don't know her well
Konkuro: Same as Temari
Kakashi: She's a little too serious. Being serious is good, but when you're a kid you should still have fun.
Gui: She needs to relax more and be more youthful!
Jiriya: I don't know her
Tsunade: She has potential, no doubt about that
Asuma: At least she's more serious then Naruto
No one in the Akatsuki or any other villian bother to notice you
mne vysiel itachi
Yaru nara ima shika ne - ZURA !!!
Yaru nara ima shika ne - ZURA !!!
Joy ga Joui !!!
Joy ga Joui !!!
Mne vyšiel Kakashi hurá!Niektoré veci na mňa sedia niektoré nie...
Ja si ten test robím viackrát, stále v ňom niečo zmením *heh*
Preložila by si mi to?
Boyfriend: Gaara
Name: I'm letting you choose your name =)
Age: 13
Personality: Quiet, evil-looking, ruthless
BFFs: Temari, Konkuro
Level: Genin
Likes: Staying away from people, training
Dislikes: Being an outcast from your clan is the biggest one of all
About you: Not much is known about your past because you won't tell it to others. You've told a few things to Gaara that you wouldn't tell other people, but other then that, you're pretty much a mystery.
Gaara has liked you since he started really talking to you. You have a personality just like his, and that's something he doesn't see very often. He's protective of you, and doesn't like you to be far from him. You guys aren't going out, but you're pretty close.
Naruto: She's really quiet! I wish she would lighten up.
Sasuke: Normally I would have some interest in her...but she won't talk about I ignore her.
Sakura: She's really quiet...I wonder why
Shino: I don't know her
Shikamaru: Very troublesome...quiet too
Hinata: I-I don't know her.
Kiba: She doesn't even talk! To basically anyone except Gaara, Temar, and Konkuro!
Akamaru: *just yawns*
Chouji: *munch* she's *munch* really quiet
Ino: Psh, she's just a loser who won't even talk.
Neji: I wish I knew what happened to her in the past...then I could figure out where destiny went wrong for her.
TenTen: I have no interest in her.
Lee: She needs to be more youthful!
Gaara: ...she's caught my interest...i actually enjoy being in her company...and I don't want to kill her...
Temari: She might be able to get Gaara to lighten up.
Konkuro: She's really's almost eerie
Kakashi: When I see her battle, she cleatly has a lot of strength, but she's almost emotionless.
Gui: She needs to be more youthful!
Jiriya: She's an attractive young lady
Tsunade: It's a shame to see how quiet and anti-social she is from the rest.
Asuma: No comment
Leader: Not interested
Itachi: *ignores you*
Kisame: I've met her a couple of times...kinda weird
Diedra: She's really quiet, yeah...
Zetzu: I wouldn't want to eat her...she wouldn't taste good.
Tobi: Tobi doesn't know her
Hidan: I don't know her
Sasori: I don't think I'd even want her as a puppet...
Kakuzu: *shrugs*
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Other Villians*~*~*~*
Orochimaru: I don't waste my time on someone who doesn't show any emotions...
Kabuto: No comment...
Boyfriend: Gaara
Name: I'm letting you choose your name =)
Age: 13
Personality: Quiet, evil-looking, ruthless
BFFs: Temari, Konkuro
Level: Genin
Likes: Staying away from people, training
Dislikes: Being an outcast from your clan is the biggest one of all
About you: Not much is known about your past because you won't tell it to others. You've told a few things to Gaara that you wouldn't tell other people, but other then that, you're pretty much a mystery.
Gaara has liked you since he started really talking to you. You have a personality just like his, and that's something he doesn't see very often. He's protective of you, and doesn't like you to be far from him. You guys aren't going out, but you're pretty close.
Naruto: She's really quiet! I wish she would lighten up.
Sasuke: Normally I would have some interest in her...but she won't talk about I ignore her.
Sakura: She's really quiet...I wonder why
Shino: I don't know her
Shikamaru: Very troublesome...quiet too
Hinata: I-I don't know her.
Kiba: She doesn't even talk! To basically anyone except Gaara, Temar, and Konkuro!
Akamaru: *just yawns*
Chouji: *munch* she's *munch* really quiet
Ino: Psh, she's just a loser who won't even talk.
Neji: I wish I knew what happened to her in the past...then I could figure out where destiny went wrong for her.
TenTen: I have no interest in her.
Lee: She needs to be more youthful!
Gaara: ...she's caught my interest...i actually enjoy being in her company...and I don't want to kill her...
Temari: She might be able to get Gaara to lighten up.
Konkuro: She's really's almost eerie
Kakashi: When I see her battle, she cleatly has a lot of strength, but she's almost emotionless.
Gui: She needs to be more youthful!
Jiriya: She's an attractive young lady
Tsunade: It's a shame to see how quiet and anti-social she is from the rest.
Asuma: No comment
Leader: Not interested
Itachi: *ignores you*
Kisame: I've met her a couple of times...kinda weird
Diedra: She's really quiet, yeah...
Zetzu: I wouldn't want to eat her...she wouldn't taste good.
Tobi: Tobi doesn't know her
Hidan: I don't know her
Sasori: I don't think I'd even want her as a puppet...
Kakuzu: *shrugs*
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Other Villians*~*~*~*
Orochimaru: I don't waste my time on someone who doesn't show any emotions...
Kabuto: No comment...
mne vyšiel tiež gaara
gaara je ze všech cool,teda aspon pro me:-))
Tak keď som ešte videla, že tu neni ani jeden Shiki (myslím), tak som si dala jeho, chcem vedieť niečo o tom
Boyfriend: Shikamaru
Name: I'm letting you choose your name =)
Age: 13
Personality: lazy, fun, relaxed
BFFs: Kiba, Naruto
Level: Genin
Likes: watching clouds, eating, sleeping, laying in the grass
Dislikes: doing work, having to fight evil every 5 seconds
About you: You've always been a care-free kid your whole life. You've never really liked working, and for some reason you've always had this fascination with clouds. You like to just lay in the grass, eat, and well...sleep, lol
Shikamaru and you clearly have much in common. You both met in the acadamey, and you always seemed to have a lot in common. While you two were watching clouds, he suddenly asks if you if you would like to go out...and of course you said yes =P
Naruto: She's awsome! We have a lot of fun together (when she's not being lazy or hanging with Shikamaru)
Sasuke: I don't even bother paying attention to her...
Sakura: She's pretty cool...kinda lazy though
Shino: She seems to like bugs so she's ok
Shikamaru: She's not even close to troublesome...she's the exact opposite. She's amazing...and we love to watch the clouds
Hinata: she's really n-nice to me
Kiba: She's pretty cool, she likes animals, so she's good with me!
Akamaru: bark bark *agrees with kiba*
Chouji: She's cool *munch* *munch*
Ino: She's really lazy...but she can be pretty funny
Neji: I wish she would get more serious
TenTen: She's ok *shrugs*
Lee: She's very youthful! But she should train more
Gaara: I don't know her...I bet I wouldn't like her though...
Temari: I've met her a couple of times...kinda lazy.
Konkuro: she's cute
Kakashi: She should start getting serious about her training, or she won't go anywhere.
Gui: She's very YOUTHFUL!
Jiriya: I don't know her
Tsunade: She can show some talent if she would just get off her ass!
Asuma: She's too lazy
No one in the Akatsuki or any other villian bother to notice you
no tak mě vyšel sasuke, zvláštní ??
mne vyslo ze moj priatel je sasuke