Kakashiho Mangekyou
Dnes to schytal Kakashiho Mangekyou dal som tam teraz aj farby aby to nebolo cisto ceruzkove...obrazok foteny ...skener mi nebral pre istotu farby vôbec...a kritiky v medziach "moralne uvazujuceho cloveka" sa nebojim...snad je to lepsie nez ten sasori s useknutou hlavou
Skóre: 6.6, Hlasů: 9
Ak si toto robil z hlavy, tak to gratulujem. Ak si trochu pomrkával na tvar sharinganu, dobre. Ale ak si to celé odkreslil (dúfam, že nie), tak...
Som rada, že je tam aj trochu farby. Je to dobrý začiatok na mnoho farebné dielo.
To tieňovanie by som doporučila výraznejšie, lebo aj to fotenie ti z tieňov uhryzne a nakoniec tam nezostane nič, len biela plocha...
(a ja som myslela, že sa musíš veľa učiť
Už Einstein povedal: "Čas je relatívny..."
No hodinky a diár hovoria niečo iné.
no z prvej vety je to prave to "dobre"...co mne uplne staci...vies ze odkreslovanie nenazyvam kreslenim...preco by som to tak robil?
....s tienovanim na mna este nechod...ziadne tam nie je
...je si ce pravda ze skener to ofotil uplne bez farieb a fotak to uplne pokazil...ale tak..co nadelam...
s tym ucenim na mna nechod...uz ani neviem ako sa volam jak je toho vela...okrem toho..to bolo hned na druhy den po nakresleni sasoriho...takze to nebolo az take hrozne...krom toho som to zase kreslil vecer ked uz mozgu to nepali tak ako by som chcel... taze asi tolko k tomu uceniu![Laughing out loud Laughing out loud](/modules/smileys/packs/example/lol.png)
Naruto a Sakura - Deň Detí vo filme
"Tak dobrá povídka si jistě alespoň jeden komentář zaslouží!"
Ne, 2013-07-07 22:29 Autor: T.T
Pár výmyslov z mojej hlavy
It's right if your parents die before you. Never should it be different.
The truth isn't in your words or acts, but in your heart.
Do not let your job makes you sad and unhappy.
Happiness is not in money or in expensive things. You can find it in smile of the right persons.
If you feel like this day is the worst in your life, say yourself that everything will be good. You will see. Everything will be OK.
Evil doesn't exist. Everybody are doing right things, just you dont know the right reasons why they are doing it.
Tak to už je lepší.
Tired animator
mentálně jsem vačyce
můj twitter:
Naruto a Sakura - Deň Detí vo filme
"Tak dobrá povídka si jistě alespoň jeden komentář zaslouží!"
Ne, 2013-07-07 22:29 Autor: T.T
Pár výmyslov z mojej hlavy
It's right if your parents die before you. Never should it be different.
The truth isn't in your words or acts, but in your heart.
Do not let your job makes you sad and unhappy.
Happiness is not in money or in expensive things. You can find it in smile of the right persons.
If you feel like this day is the worst in your life, say yourself that everything will be good. You will see. Everything will be OK.
Evil doesn't exist. Everybody are doing right things, just you dont know the right reasons why they are doing it.
povedlo se ti to ![Smiling Smiling](/modules/smileys/packs/example/smile.png)
Naruto a Sakura - Deň Detí vo filme
"Tak dobrá povídka si jistě alespoň jeden komentář zaslouží!"
Ne, 2013-07-07 22:29 Autor: T.T
Pár výmyslov z mojej hlavy
It's right if your parents die before you. Never should it be different.
The truth isn't in your words or acts, but in your heart.
Do not let your job makes you sad and unhappy.
Happiness is not in money or in expensive things. You can find it in smile of the right persons.
If you feel like this day is the worst in your life, say yourself that everything will be good. You will see. Everything will be OK.
Evil doesn't exist. Everybody are doing right things, just you dont know the right reasons why they are doing it.
Ehm... no to je tak ťažké to obstrihnúť? A trochu upraviť aby to neporušovalo pravidlá FA?
Nieje to zlé preto ti to píšem. Tak s tým niečo urob nech to nemusím zmazať.
Ironhide aneb Iron, Ero-kage, Šibe-kage, Baka-kage, Nevinnosť-sama, Fairon, Iron D. Absint, Al-kage... By Strigga: Mudr. Ironhide
Všichni povinně přečíst PRAVIDLA VKLÁDÁNÍ FA!!!
Vážne už 10 rokov???
dufam ze teraz je to uz lepsie![Laughing out loud Laughing out loud](/modules/smileys/packs/example/lol.png)
Naruto a Sakura - Deň Detí vo filme
"Tak dobrá povídka si jistě alespoň jeden komentář zaslouží!"
Ne, 2013-07-07 22:29 Autor: T.T
Pár výmyslov z mojej hlavy
It's right if your parents die before you. Never should it be different.
The truth isn't in your words or acts, but in your heart.
Do not let your job makes you sad and unhappy.
Happiness is not in money or in expensive things. You can find it in smile of the right persons.
If you feel like this day is the worst in your life, say yourself that everything will be good. You will see. Everything will be OK.
Evil doesn't exist. Everybody are doing right things, just you dont know the right reasons why they are doing it.