Podzimní Kurama

První obrázek.
Rozhodla jsem se tu misi zkusit, ale vůbec netuším jestli to zvládnu, protože ve škole toho mám teď hodně a mimoškolní aktivity taky jsou. I přesto jsem se přihlásila a to díky prvnímu tématu. Protože podzim - já sama si ho představuji bez deště, bez větru a bez toho vůbec nepříjemného počasí.
Nápad tu byl hned (kdybyste ho viděli na DA, tak je můj a to Kuriko tam dole to jenom potvrzuje ) - takže kdybyste to někdo nepoznal (což je docela dost možné...) je to Kurama s javorovým listem místo ocasů - tlapy má ve předu, jasné? Prostě jenom otočil hlavu.

Skóre: 9.7, Hlasů: 3
Tady někdo využil možností počítače
Nádherný barevný přechod na tom listo-ocase 
Pravidla a rady ohledně vkládání obrázků najdete na stránkách Jak přidat obrázek a Pravidla vkládání FA.
Jinak pořád na Konoze funguje hra Útok na Konohu, kde si můžete pořádně zmasakrovat pár „padouchů“.
Takový devítilistový Kurama je super nápad

Novinky v mojí tvorbě
Pletení šňůr tradiční japonskou technikou
Gorin - samurajská show
Everything that lives is designed to end. We are perpetually trapped in a never ending spiral of life and death. Is this a curse? Or some kind of punishment? I often think about the god who blessed us with this cryptic puzzle… and wonder if we’ll ever get the chance to kill him.
In space no one can hear you scream. (Alien - trailer)
Sorry, I can't go to hell. I'm all out of vacations days. (Undertale - 2015)
It's not possible. No, it's necessary. (Interstellar - 2014)
Being alive is pretty much a constant stream of embarrassment. (Pod 153, Nier Automata)
A future is not given to you. It is something you must take for yourself. (Pod 042, Nier Automata)
Time wounds all heals (Batim, ch.4)
None of us can live forever, and so we ask those who survive to remember us.
Hold something in your mind and it lives on with you, but forget it and you seal it away forever. That is the only death that matters. (Seer, Hollow Knight)
As long as you do it without regret, I will bear you no hatred." (Brumm, Hollow Knight)
The only person you can’t win against is the one that has nothing to lose.
krásný nápad
barvičky jsou taky super, jsem ráda, že je tu pro změnu digitální kresba. Kurama trochu působí, že už se mu hlava nechtěla vlézt na papír, tak na to příště pozor.
každopádně uznáno a budu držet palce, aby ti vyšel čas i na zbytek mise
Pokémon Go: 5898 3500 2445
), IG
Můj FanClub (díky, Uchiha-Mariko
"You did well. My boy... you did so well."

Původně tam ta hlava neměla být, měli jít vidět jen uši zezadu a část krku, ale tak nějak se mi to nedařilo tak, jak bych si to představovala, takže jsem to vyřešila takhle, jenže rozměr papíru už byl dán. Bohužel
Propříště si na to dám pozor.
Everything that lives is designed to end. We are perpetually trapped in a never ending spiral of life and death. Is this a curse? Or some kind of punishment? I often think about the god who blessed us with this cryptic puzzle… and wonder if we’ll ever get the chance to kill him.
In space no one can hear you scream. (Alien - trailer)
Sorry, I can't go to hell. I'm all out of vacations days. (Undertale - 2015)
It's not possible. No, it's necessary. (Interstellar - 2014)
Being alive is pretty much a constant stream of embarrassment. (Pod 153, Nier Automata)
A future is not given to you. It is something you must take for yourself. (Pod 042, Nier Automata)
Time wounds all heals (Batim, ch.4)
None of us can live forever, and so we ask those who survive to remember us.
Hold something in your mind and it lives on with you, but forget it and you seal it away forever. That is the only death that matters. (Seer, Hollow Knight)
As long as you do it without regret, I will bear you no hatred." (Brumm, Hollow Knight)
The only person you can’t win against is the one that has nothing to lose.
Och , tak slabého kyuubiho som ešte nevidel. Tady bude mať len 50 rokov.
24.8.2020 Sasuke is dead. Zomrie Tenten alebo Sasuke ?
Možná ani to ne..
Everything that lives is designed to end. We are perpetually trapped in a never ending spiral of life and death. Is this a curse? Or some kind of punishment? I often think about the god who blessed us with this cryptic puzzle… and wonder if we’ll ever get the chance to kill him.
In space no one can hear you scream. (Alien - trailer)
Sorry, I can't go to hell. I'm all out of vacations days. (Undertale - 2015)
It's not possible. No, it's necessary. (Interstellar - 2014)
Being alive is pretty much a constant stream of embarrassment. (Pod 153, Nier Automata)
A future is not given to you. It is something you must take for yourself. (Pod 042, Nier Automata)
Time wounds all heals (Batim, ch.4)
None of us can live forever, and so we ask those who survive to remember us.
Hold something in your mind and it lives on with you, but forget it and you seal it away forever. That is the only death that matters. (Seer, Hollow Knight)
As long as you do it without regret, I will bear you no hatred." (Brumm, Hollow Knight)
The only person you can’t win against is the one that has nothing to lose.
Jeeej, ten je krásny

Juj, děkuji, to je milé.
Everything that lives is designed to end. We are perpetually trapped in a never ending spiral of life and death. Is this a curse? Or some kind of punishment? I often think about the god who blessed us with this cryptic puzzle… and wonder if we’ll ever get the chance to kill him.
In space no one can hear you scream. (Alien - trailer)
Sorry, I can't go to hell. I'm all out of vacations days. (Undertale - 2015)
It's not possible. No, it's necessary. (Interstellar - 2014)
Being alive is pretty much a constant stream of embarrassment. (Pod 153, Nier Automata)
A future is not given to you. It is something you must take for yourself. (Pod 042, Nier Automata)
Time wounds all heals (Batim, ch.4)
None of us can live forever, and so we ask those who survive to remember us.
Hold something in your mind and it lives on with you, but forget it and you seal it away forever. That is the only death that matters. (Seer, Hollow Knight)
As long as you do it without regret, I will bear you no hatred." (Brumm, Hollow Knight)
The only person you can’t win against is the one that has nothing to lose.