It's right if your parents die before you. Never should it be different.
The truth isn't in your words or acts, but in your heart.
Do not let your job makes you sad and unhappy.
Happiness is not in money or in expensive things. You can find it in smile of the right persons.
If you feel like this day is the worst in your life, say yourself that everything will be good. You will see. Everything will be OK.
Evil doesn't exist. Everybody are doing right things, just you dont know the right reasons why they are doing it.
It's right if your parents die before you. Never should it be different.
The truth isn't in your words or acts, but in your heart.
Do not let your job makes you sad and unhappy.
Happiness is not in money or in expensive things. You can find it in smile of the right persons.
If you feel like this day is the worst in your life, say yourself that everything will be good. You will see. Everything will be OK.
Evil doesn't exist. Everybody are doing right things, just you dont know the right reasons why they are doing it.
| Česká stránka o seriálu NARUTO a BORUTO. Slouží pouze jako fan web, všechny postavy a příběh vymyslel Kishimoto Masashi, popř. TV-TOKYO, a také jsou jejich majiteli. Obrázky na webu patří jejich autorům. Titulky k anime a překlad mangy patří týmu Není dovoleno si je přivlastňovat (tzn. měnit jméno překladatele). Pokud je chcete použít, vždy uveďte zdroj. Články patří tomu, kdo je vložil, není-li uvedeno jinak. Prosíme, nekraďte tyto články do svých blogů. je web bez komerčních reklam, o žádné nestojíme.
gai sensei a naruto alebo lee s narutem?...alebo dve holky?
...inak celkom dobry cosplay
Naruto a Sakura - Deň Detí vo filme
"Tak dobrá povídka si jistě alespoň jeden komentář zaslouží!"
Ne, 2013-07-07 22:29 Autor: T.T
Pár výmyslov z mojej hlavy
It's right if your parents die before you. Never should it be different.
The truth isn't in your words or acts, but in your heart.
Do not let your job makes you sad and unhappy.
Happiness is not in money or in expensive things. You can find it in smile of the right persons.
If you feel like this day is the worst in your life, say yourself that everything will be good. You will see. Everything will be OK.
Evil doesn't exist. Everybody are doing right things, just you dont know the right reasons why they are doing it.
tohle je leeho gesto, gai tohle myslim nedělá.
všichni jste blázni, jen já jsem letadlo^_^
Lee.. Gai nemá na rukou obvazy.
Přátelé jsou jako brambory, když je sníte, tak zemřou...
Ne všichni, kdo bloudí, jsou ztraceni.
Hloupost a pýcha na jednom dřevě rostou..
to je sice pravda...ale hlava viac pripomina gaie...aspon teda mne...mozno spravila cosplay oboch naraz
Naruto a Sakura - Deň Detí vo filme
"Tak dobrá povídka si jistě alespoň jeden komentář zaslouží!"
Ne, 2013-07-07 22:29 Autor: T.T
Pár výmyslov z mojej hlavy
It's right if your parents die before you. Never should it be different.
The truth isn't in your words or acts, but in your heart.
Do not let your job makes you sad and unhappy.
Happiness is not in money or in expensive things. You can find it in smile of the right persons.
If you feel like this day is the worst in your life, say yourself that everything will be good. You will see. Everything will be OK.
Evil doesn't exist. Everybody are doing right things, just you dont know the right reasons why they are doing it.